The Biden government hinted at increasing cooperation with Pakistan

The Biden government hinted at increasing cooperation with Pakistan

 WASHINGTON: US Secretary of Defense-designate General Lloyd Austin has called Pakistan indispensable for the Afghan process and said the role of destabilizing the region would be curbed.

Talking to the US media about the future defense policy, he said that if he is confirmed as the defense minister, he will do his best to get Pakistan's support. Referring to India's role in the region, he said steps would also be taken to curb those trying to destabilize the Afghan process.

General Austin said that Pakistan's role would be crucial in any future political arrangement in Afghanistan. I think Pakistan has played a constructive role in the Afghan peace process at the request of the United States. Pakistan has also taken steps against organizations such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Muhammad, although more progress is needed.

He said suspending Pakistan's defense aid could affect mutual co-operation, including the Afghan negotiations and the dangerous situation following the Pulwama attacks.

The nominee for Secretary of Defense and former commander of the US Central Command, General Lloyd Austin, has also hinted at an increase in defense ties between the two countries. He said steps would be taken to enhance bilateral co-operation, including training programs for senior Pakistani military officers under the International Military Education Fund (IMET).

It should be noted that President Trump had banned Pakistan from participating in IMET programs in August 2018. This facility was later restored in 2019. The IMET provides opportunities for foreign military officers at US military education and training institutions.

At the same time, the nominee for defense minister said he would urge Pakistan to stop armed groups or other extremists from using its territory. At the same time, a new beginning will be made for cooperation between the two countries' forces on key issues.

On December 7, 2020, US President-elect Joe Biden named retired General Lloyd Austin Secretary of Defense. Earlier, under General Obama, Austin served as commander of US forces in the Middle East

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