Pakistan:Motorway gang rape case hearing completed, verdict reserved

 Judge Arshad Hussain Bhatta of the Special Anti-Terrorism Court in Lahore heard the motorway abuse case in Camp Jail. Advocate Qasim Arain and Sher Gul Qureshi argued in defense of the accused while the prosecution team argued against the accused. The prosecution said in its arguments that there was solid evidence against the accused, the police arrested the accused by matching their DNA at the scene while the accused Shafqat Ali pleaded guilty before the magistrate. Abid Malhi was identified by the victim before a magistrate. The accused committed a serious crime so they should be given the harshest punishment. Responding to the prosecution's arguments, the accused's lawyer Qasim Arain argued that according to the CDR, the presence of accused Shafqat was not revealed while the accused Shafqat Ali alias Baga was identified 22 days after his arrest. Under Section 164 of the Criminal Code, the statement was made with a delay of one month and 18 days. He was forced to confess under the pressure. given. The defense counsel further said that the investigating officer of the case was also present in the court while recording the statement of confession while under the law there should be no pressure on the accused while recording the statement before the Judicial Magistrate. During the identification parade in the jail, the victim was brought inside the jail by the same officer who had seen the accused before, so the identity parade was conducted by the officer who saw the accused beforehand. The identification parade sent to the anti-terrorism court was not sealed. The age of accused Abid Malhi was written in the documents as 35 years while the real age of the accused is 20 years. The court reserved the verdict after the completion of arguments of the accused and the prosecution's lawyers, which will be announced on Saturday, March 20. It should be noted that a woman was raped on the motorway in September last year. Police had arrested two accused with the help of modern technology, the suspects' DEN had matched the scene and the accused had also confessed to the crime. Controversial statements by the police on the motorway abuse case also came to light. In the motorway abuse case, the statements of more than 35 prosecution witnesses were recorded while the defense counsel cross-examined 342 statements.

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