China looking for new friends: Will growing proximity between China and the Gulf be a major challenge for the United States?


China looking for new friends: Will growing proximity between China and the Gulf be a major challenge for the United States?
China looking for new friends: Will growing proximity between China and the Gulf be a major challenge for the United States?

On the one hand, China and Russia are discussing regional security and challenging the US alliance, on the other hand, China has expressed interest in increasing its proximity to the Gulf countries.

China is trying to improve its relations with the Gulf countries. For this, a meeting has also taken place between the Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Naif bin Falah Al-Hujaraf and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

After the meeting in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, the GCC called China a good friend, and the Chinese foreign minister said China was "ready to play a positive role in regional security."

Relations in the fields of economy and security

During the meeting, the two sides agreed to improve bilateral relations in the areas of economic level and security. Wang Yi said that both sides have made great progress here and they are at a new turning point in history.

"We hope that China and the GCC will complete negotiations on the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) so that the pressure on the GCC members from the global economy can be eased and the economy can recover," he said.

Al-Hajraf said that the GCC and its member countries appreciate China's strategic cooperation. China tops GCC list for resumption of FTA talks

He also spoke of enhancing mutual interests and cooperation through digital economy and high technology. The GCC has said it welcomes China's important role in promoting peace and stability in the Middle East and stands ready to further enhance cooperation with China.

The Chinese Foreign Minister is visiting Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates.

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China's interest in Gulf countries

In the past, China has not shown much interest in the Gulf countries, but China's attitude towards GCC member states on economic and security cooperation is changing. Given the aggressive nature of the United States and the search for new allies in the Asia-Pacific region, China emerges as a key partner.

What is GCC?

The GCC is a cooperation alliance between six countries, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman. It is located in Riyadh and its main language of communication is Arabic.

It was formed in 1981 as a political, economic, social and regional organization. Its purpose was to establish links, alliances and cooperation between the six Gulf countries so that a common army and machinery could be established.

All of these countries have the highest oil production and are a major source of energy for countries like China or India.

The United States has long had influence in the Gulf. These countries have relied on the United States for military security. In this situation, China's interest in the Gulf countries may raise many questions.

China's energy needs

Energy, infrastructure, trade and investment have been prominent topics in Sino-Gulf relations. China gets 35 percent of its crude oil needs from the Gulf, and by the end of this decade that number is likely to reach 60 percent.

Sanjay K Bhardwaj, a professor of South Asian studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, says there are two reasons for China's interest in the Gulf. In addition to its energy needs, China wants to challenge US influence.

"China is a fast-growing and large economy. They want to maintain their economic growth. They have some energy requirements for this. The Gulf countries are full of energy, in which case China's interest in them is a natural process.

"China's One Belt One Road project is also a link to this, which has the support of the Gulf countries," he said. There are two ways to do this. The products of Chinese companies will be able to reach all over the world and meet China's energy needs.

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Under the plan, China wants to build a network of roads and ports in Asia and Europe so that Chinese products can reach markets around the world. Many countries around the world have supported China on this project.

With this in mind, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and Gwadar Port have been constructed. China does not want any obstacles on the sea route. This requires good relations between China and the Gulf countries.

Umair Anas, an assistant professor at Yildirim Bayazid University in Turkey, says it's not just a one-way street. Gulf countries are also looking for new markets for oil exports. They want to reduce their dependence on oil. They want to increase trade with densely populated countries like India and China.

"Oil is a problem for these countries. A country like the United States has reduced its dependence on Gulf countries for energy. Many countries have begun to look to sources other than oil for energy. In these circumstances, the Gulf countries want to strengthen their economies through tourism and investment in other countries.

He added that he could also increase cooperation with China in the field of technology. Over the years, this partnership has grown in drones, military training and strategic cooperation. Many times both sides have appreciated each other's role.

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China challenges US

However, this friendship is not just for financial reasons. The United States is one of the reasons behind China's efforts.

US pressure on China has increased over the past few years. Whether the US presidency is with the Trump administration or the Biden administration, the US attitude towards China has not changed. Recently, the United States, Japan, Australia and India have formed a security alliance aimed at China.

The trade war between the United States and China has been going on for some time, and the United States has expressed concern about the abuse of Uighur Muslims and the protests in Hong Kong.

"China is looking for new allies to compete with the United States," says Sanjay Bhardwaj. He wants to form a new group consisting of Turkey, Pakistan and Malaysia, which shows the new leadership of Muslim countries. He wants to end the influence of the United States and Saudi Arabia on Muslim countries.

The United States has been influential in the Gulf. The United States provides them with military security and thus affects its internal politics. If China negotiates with Gulf countries and other Middle Eastern countries, it could sound the alarm for the United States.

Military aid to Gulf countries

Admiral Alfred Mahan, an American historian and naval officer, once said that whoever has influence over the Indian Ocean will have influence over the world.

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Citing the statement, Sanjay Bhardwaj said that China was uniting its allies to fulfill its desire to become a superpower. The current superpower seeks to reduce US influence in the region.

"China has emerged as an economic power as well as a military power," he said. The regional security that was discussed at the GCC meeting is very important. Gulf countries still rely on the United States for security. But in the form of China, they may have another option. If China starts providing security cooperation to them, it will be a blow to US supremacy.

However, given the US pressure, to what extent will the Gulf countries be able to get Chinese cooperation and will China be able to replace the US?

"Saudi Arabia is the head of the Gulf states," said Umair Anas. The United States has reduced its dependence on Saudi Arabia for energy. The two countries no longer want anything more from each other. In this case, Saudi Arabia can balance its relations with the United States with the help of China.

"But he wants no one to be able to have full influence in the region. All major countries have their share of power so that the balance of power is maintained. That is why the Gulf countries are improving their relations with Japan, South Korea, Ukraine and Germany.

Relations between Saudi Arabia and India have improved over the past few years. The Indian Army Chief also visited Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Umair Anas says China is a new player in the Gulf, but Russia has shown a lot of interest. It has built an airport in Syria, established ties with Egypt and has established a presence in Libya. Russia is also a challenge for the United States in the region, but the changes that have taken place here are due to the friendship between Russia and China.

New alliances are being formed around the world. Some friendly countries are enemies and some enemies are extending a hand of friendship to each other. Similarly, China is now looking for new friend

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